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Piper Selden is a writer, educator, and activist. A gypsy at heart, she currently lives in Hilo, on the Big Island of Hawaii, with her husband, two children, and a menagerie of small animals.
When not writing, teaching, or dodging lava flows, Piper enjoys writing, dipping her toes in the water, and drinking green smoothies. She makes a second living selling protein powder and male enhancement products at a retail vitamin store because, well, teachers are not well paid.

But that's another story--a gripping docudrama that follows Piper, a snarky yet lovable character, a recovering academic whose various money-making side gigs often interrupt a regular sleep-wake cycle.

Piper does most of her writing at night, when the moon is high and the house is quiet. She is seeking representation, but agents thus far have swiped left. Piper has published in a variety of genres: dryer lint (see nod to academia above); creative nonfiction; fiction; and social media content for edgy and would-otherwise-be-disengaged readers. Piper also writes saucy tales under a separate pen name. She would share that name here, but then she'd have to hide another body.

Piper has a number of upcoming projects, including Invisible Daughters (a memoir), F*ck: A Love Story (life lessons from mom we didn't get until later), and The Momcologist is In: Life, Parenting, and Cancer (a different kind of "guide" book).

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